American Baptist Churches of Los Angeles, Southwest & Hawaii

ABCOFLASH Annual Meeting 2024

We have created a PPT slide for you to use in your church.
Click here to download
Thursday, October 3 – Lunch & Conversation with Rev. Dr. Gina Jacobs-Strain
Business Session – 7 p.m. by Zoom
(Please email for instructions to join the meeting)
Friday, October 4 –Saturday, October 5
First Baptist Church Glendale/ Regional Resource Center 213 North Louise Street, Glendale, CA 91206


 Dr. Warren H. Stewart, Sr.


Zoom meeting at 7:00 PM –
Please email for instructions to join the meeting.



To Print the Registration form Click Here.
To Register online Click Here or scan QR code.
Registration opens on Thursday at 11:00 a.m. Friday and Saturday, you can register at 8:30 a.m.
The registration deadline is September 23. If you have additional questions, please call 818-839-6070


We look forward to our ABCOFLASH family coming together in October. Churches are asked to participate in the annual meeting contribution to help with those expenses. This is NOT considered part of your church’s regular mission giving to our American Baptist Mission Ministries. Your participation is welcomed and appreciated. Click here to make a contribution
Se pide a las iglesias enviar la Contribución a la Reunión Anual cada año. Esto NO se considera como parte de la contribución a las misiones que su iglesia da a American Baptist Mission Ministries. Haga clic aquí para hacer una contribución.


We have secured a special rate with the Hilton Glendale.
100 W Glenoaks Blvd, Glendale, CA 91202
Call 818-956-5466 using the group code ABCOFLASH or Click Here
 The reservation booking deadline is September 15th.

Call 818.839.6070 with your reservation and credit/debit card information.
The DEADLINE is September 23, 2024