American Baptist Churches of Los Angeles, Southwest & Hawaii

Core Values & Beliefs

Our Vision

  • Contagious Christian discipleship among our congregations.
  • Equip servant leaders to build up American Baptist congregations.
  • Foster authentic Christian communities.
  • Enlarge the Kingdom of God.

Core Values of American Baptist Churches of Los Angeles, Southwest & Hawaii

  • We believe that all human being are made in the image of God and therefore possess intrinsic value. We embrace, honor and respect the diversity of God’s special creation – the human population.
  • The local congregation is the primary place of ministry and mission.
  • The church is the primary place for the growth of the Kingdom of God on earth and therefore a strategic resource for nurturing the disciples of Jesus Christ to worship, ministry to each other and to serve humanity.
  • We proclaim Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, and every believer has unique individual gifts to empower the growth of the Kingdom of God on Earth.
  • We uphold and implement the unity we have in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
  • We respect local church autonomy and empower congregational interdependence.
  • Church growth in the New Testament is both qualitative and quantitative. Church growth happens when we are involved in the evangelization of the unbelievers, welcoming the unchurched, growth in grace and the knowledge of Jesus Christ, fostering biblical stewardship and supporting the mission of the church.
  • Continual learning for excellence, innovation and skills for effective leadership.
  • Integrity of relationships that reflects the mind of Christ in all we do and we are.