Dear Friends,
It's that time of year again. We are planning another Arizona American Baptist churches night at a Diamondbacks game. The game is Saturday, September 17, and begins at 5:10. Before the game we will be gathering at First Institutional for a time of food and fellowship from 3:00-4:00. They will be serving a meal for all who are going to the game. ABCOFLASH will cover the cost of the meal. After the meal, we will head to the ballpark which is just a short walk from the church. You can park/leave your car at First Institutional to avoid public parking fees.
I encourage you to attend and bring others with you. Read the flyer and put the information in your church's newsletter or web page. Information on how to get the tickets and reserve a place at the table is found on the flyer.
I have enjoyed getting to know our Arizona group and look forward to visiting all of our churches again this Fall. Take care and stay cool, if possible.
In Christ,
Paul Gibson
Arizona Resource Minister for ABCOFLASH